Sunday, March 15, 2009


He was a militarist, a colonialist in German-East-Africa during World War I (1914-1918). But nevertheless he was honoured by friends and enemies. Wikipedia says: "In 1953 he visited his other home, East Africa, where he was heartily welcomed by surviving Askaris who greeted him with their old marching song Haya Safari! and was received with courtesy and military honours by British colonial officials."

Der in Pommern geborene und im Kreis Segeberg in Schleswig-Holstein beerdigte Paul von Lettow-Vorbek hat eine beeindruckende Karriere vom nie besiegten kolonialistischen Militaristen im 1. Weltkrieg bis hin zum Freund der Tansanier durchgemacht.

His life in English
Sein Leben auf Deutsch

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